Friday, April 17, 2009

El Poste Del Luna

Hey! It's Luna! We had this absolutely amazing talent show on Thursday and all the money we earned went to the Child 2 Child organization. We sold lemonade and popcorn and a lot of people came which made the talent show a HUGE success.:-) I participated in the talent show by playing "Amazing Grace" on the flute. It was fun but I kind of messed up in a few parts. My favorite act was Casey; she played this piece on her clarinet and it sounded fantastic. I had a great time and what made everything even greater was that everything we earned was going to be helping someone in need :-) Well, I will make sure to keep you posted (haha) on any other really cool projects we make. Thanks for reading, ttfn!
(P.S. Just in case you were wondering, "El Poste Del Luna" is spanish for "Luna's post".)

1 comment:

  1. did you hear??? the talent show made $270!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Sarah :)
