Monday, April 20, 2009

And the grand total is.....

Hey everybody it's Bethany/Speedbucket. I just want to update you on how our Child 2 Child ministry is going. These last couple of months, through the sale of our homemade craft items to the New Hope congregation and our church wide talent show, we have raised...$503.08! The money will go to Guatemalan Eagle's Nest Orphanage and will provide hungry babies with milk.

Special thanks to Mrs. Amy, Sarah and Jamie our teenage girls ministry, Niara, for helping us keep the talent show in order. I also want to give a big thanks to Mr. John for helping us with the popcorn, Michael for running the tech. booth, Mrs. Pam for helping decorate, and to all the New Hope people who participated in the talent show! Thank you friends, family and neighbors for coming and donating to our ministry!

TTYL Bethany

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Kiraball's Korner

This week we made cards. We took regular greeting cards and put stamps on them. I hope they sell really fast. Check in next week to find out what we will be making. Ooh! So exciting!

TTYL, Kiraball

Friday, April 17, 2009

El Poste Del Luna

Hey! It's Luna! We had this absolutely amazing talent show on Thursday and all the money we earned went to the Child 2 Child organization. We sold lemonade and popcorn and a lot of people came which made the talent show a HUGE success.:-) I participated in the talent show by playing "Amazing Grace" on the flute. It was fun but I kind of messed up in a few parts. My favorite act was Casey; she played this piece on her clarinet and it sounded fantastic. I had a great time and what made everything even greater was that everything we earned was going to be helping someone in need :-) Well, I will make sure to keep you posted (haha) on any other really cool projects we make. Thanks for reading, ttfn!
(P.S. Just in case you were wondering, "El Poste Del Luna" is spanish for "Luna's post".)

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Bethany's first post

Hi, My name is Bethany/Speedbucket and I am a part of the Child 2 Child ministry. I love watching the younger girls create such unique projects and then getting to help them! I would have to say my favorite project that we have done so far would be the chocolate candy suckers!

Well, have to go, talk to you later!


Kiraball's Korner

Child2Child is an extremely awesome ministry. We started in Febuary of this year. Each month we find a country living in abject poverty. In Febuary, we raised money for Haiti. In March and April we raised money for Guatemala. We raised over $200 for Haiti and over $450 for Guatemala. Our next goal would be to raise at least $500.

May God Be With You,

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Luna's Post

Hey! My name is Luna. I am 13 years old and my hobbies include playing the flute and ballet. I love creating projects for a good cause which is exactly what we are doing here. My favorite project we have done so far was the really pretty and really colorful magnets that we made. That is pretty much all for now. Well ttyl!

Haylee's post

Hola, my name is Haylee. This is my first post. I'm excited to be helping the Child 2 Child ministry. My favorite project we did thus far would be the beaded bookmarks. They were so cool I had to buy one for myself! Well this is all I have for now but I will post more soon!

Kylies 1st post

Hi, my name is Kylie and i am a member of the child2child ministry. This is my first post on this website. I have 10 pets at home. My favorite animal is a purple cow (Yes, they are real). This is all for now but I am excited to post more!

Kira's Post

Hello, my name is Kira (AKA, Kiraball). I am a piano student of the most wonderful, great, nicest teacher in the world (She told me to say that). Our ministry has created about 10 different types of things to sell. My favorite was the chocolate lollipops!!! I love being able to help!